* Komodo Edit: Main editor
* Textmate2: Additional Editor
* Homebrew: Build packages and software for OSX
* iterm2: Terminal, quickly copy / paste; window-division.
* SequelPro: For managing MySQL (local and remote). For Postgres, SQLite: adminer (PHP based) is a good choice.
* http://ohmyz.sh/ improve shell
* http://ohmyz.sh/ improve shell
Visual Git, line by line staging.
For diff, using console-based colordiff is good.
Using sdiff for side-by-side diff
* Adium: Messenger for Facebook, Google, Yahoo combined. Messages/Facetime from Apple are good as well.
* FileZilla: Solid SFTP/FTP client or Cyberduck: many features
* SketchBook Express: freely and powerful drawing tool
* Seashore: bitmap image tool
* MacGDBp: Standalone PHP Deugger GUI
* VirtualBox: VM and testing
* LibreOffice
* Caffeine: Prevent sleep
* PCKeyboarHack, Keyremap4Macbook: change keymap
* Spectacle: Windows arrangement tool (change size/position faster)
* Clipmenu: clipboard history and snippet tools (great time saving)
* Google Japanese Input: better IME
* LICEcap: GIF screenshot win animation
* ToyViewer: fast images viewer
* imageoptim Reduce images size (replaces)
* nvALT: notetaker http://brettterpstra.com/projects/nvalt/
* imageoptim Reduce images size (replaces)
* nvALT: notetaker http://brettterpstra.com/projects/nvalt/
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