In my opinion the default Japanese font in Yosemite is ugly!
Let's replace it with better one.
Fast way: open Terminal and run:
sudo wget -O /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/DefaultFontFallbacks.plist
You need to enter your password.
Restart your computer and see change.
Here is more advanced changes (more customization)
and make a copy of DefaultFontFallbacks.plist as a backup.
Then copy it your documents to make change using Xcode (we cannot edit it directly)
Inside that, find an entry with "ja".
For sans-serif, HiraKakuPro-W3 is good one.
For serif, HiraMinProN-W3 is nice.
Save and copy DefaultFontFallbacks.plist back to
sudo cp DefaultFontFallbacks.plist /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/CoreText.framework/Resources/
We done!
I made a tuned DefaultFontFallbacks.plist for download here:
There is an easier way to do: